Bagel Islands Beautiful Day

It’s a lovely day here on The Gigantic Bagel…Sun is Out…Birds singing in Cream Cheese Grove… The Bubbling Flowers are Bubbling abundantly…Witch Wartina and Crew are in Poppseed Point…everything is under control for the time being. There is some Crablins outbreaks brewing on Rye Ridge but the Great Woollies will handle it.

Myself, Magical Monarch Butterfly and My Flying Horse Yufratese are looking forward to a little outing in the Care-away Coves soon…we will relax, drink Lemon-aid from Star Shaped Lemons…and munch on Lifesaver Oranges, Boomerang Apples and probably a little Dark Chocolate also.

Going to catch up on new ideas for amazing creations and creating wonderful things of beauty not previously imagined nor created. So Ya Hoo and Yippity ay and doing a Happy Dance also!